Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well, today in central Alabama we had snow! They predicted anywhere from 1 to 6 inches, but we ended up with about 1/2 inch here. However, it was a lot of fun watching David and all the neighborhood kids play. They had snowball fights and built snowmen (small ones) and got really cold. A really fun day!

One night this week I did a quick sketch from a photo in the files of Watercolorworkshop to try to keep my goal of sketching every day this year. The blue in the sky completely dropped out of this scan, but the rest is pretty close. It was fun.

I also did a sketch of some cactus flowers, using a reference photo I took in the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham last year. I'm finding I like my sketches better when drawn from life.

Have a wonderful holiday!


Brenda Yarborough said...

Nice job!!! I like ink and wash work. Yep, my blue skies usually wash out in the scan too.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as another artist prone to working tightly detailed, I must say that these are amazingly beautiful! I especially love the cactus flowers.

Ann said...

These are both very nice!